Maroso Autoclave in place

The next stage of the autoclave installation, at European Glass, in London is complete. The machine is now in place with thanks to our engineer, Dave, who assisted with the unloading from the wagon, and correct positioning of the machine inside the factory.

Bonus points if you can spot Digital Dave in the image below!

#stoneandglassgroup #autoclave #maroso #install #dave #machinery #glass


Maroso glass autoclaves are pressure chambers built to grant the optimisation of the different processes of polymerisation through the constant control of the parameters of temperature, heating, and vacuum during the entire productive cycle, in conditions of absolute security and respect of the operational conditions.
Maroso is able to produce autoclaves of different dimensions, in compliance of the customer requests. In particular, our productive range foreseen the production of autoclave bodies with useful diameter from 500mm up to 4200mm and beyond; the length instead can exceed the 15000mm. the pressure and the thermal gradients are in compliance with the customer’s requests.


Cms International Sales Meeting


Autoclave arrives safely!